My desk |
As I discussed the
previously, greeting your work day on Monday with gratitude can help you start the week with renewed focus. That said, sometimes having a tried and true plan can help you have that grateful spirit.
I got promoted last fall. It was a tremendous honor to have my accomplishments recognized and the prize was more work and a more intense schedule! If I hadn't needed a reliable schedule and support before then, I sure do need them now! As I usually try to do, I decided to share what I have learned with all of you.
- Celebrate your milestones. Work can be a grind. So, when you achieve a goal, celebrate. It counts, even if it's just Starbucks! Celebrating is a great way to remind yourself that you matter.
- Find inspiration in the mundane tasks. We all enjoy vacations. However, generally, we only manage to do that for two weeks or so every year. If vacations are the only times we are happy, we are signing up for living the majority of our lives unhappy. This year, change that narrative and find happiness and inspiration in your work life.
- Streamline your routine. There's a belief that variety is the spice of life. Despite that belief, I have come to believe that families don't need life to be that spicy--standard is perfectly OK. I once read that a mom only bought her kids clothes in navy, tan, red and white so that they could pick out their clothes without looking crazy. I have learned that the same holds true for socks. Buy one style in one color and they always match.
- Don't sweat the small stuff, but address the big stuff. This is one of the hardest things to implement. You will see your husband's socks and underwear on the floor. You will see piles of dishes in the sink as if you are the only one capable of addressing them. You will find lots of reasons to lose your ish on a daily basis and if you are fully evolved, you won't take the bait. Unfortunately, I am not that evolved! :-)
- Ask for help when you need it. Sheryl Sandberg caught a lot of flack when she published her book, "Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead", because she failed to mention the household help she used to help her world go 'round. In the interest of candor, I won't make that mistake. I have help and I wouldn't be able to make my life work without it. Two days a week we pay someone to help after school and drop our daughter off at ballet. Two days a week, my generous in-laws pick our daughter up, drop her off at ballet, manage homework and take our son to basketball practice. And, when those things need to be supplemented, I ask my husband to help.
BONUS TIP: Sleep in your jewelry! I sleep in my diamond studs every single night because I often lack the time to coordinate in the AM.