One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Remember Kids Will Be Kids

At Atria's I have SO many incomplete blog posts that it's laughable. They're incomplete because I'll start writing them and then life happens. They're incomplete because in between my inspiration for the post and editing it, I realized that I had a sponsored post to complete. They're incomplete because some national event took precedence. They're incomplete because I realized that we needed milk, eggs, or some other essential and I just forgot about it. There are so many explanations about why they're incomplete that I could devote an entire series of posts to that. Instead, I'd like to share a post from several years ago about how my kids messed up my grandmother's birthday dinner...

Newlin Archinal, a working mom who believes in having it all

Newlin Archinal, CFP®, CRPC®, AIF and family

 “Done is better than perfect.”  -Sheryl Sandberg
To cap off Women's History Month, I am introducing you to a dear friend, Newlin Archinal and sharing a post about other women who inspire me. Stay tuned for the next post!

Newlin Archinal, CFP®, CRPC®, AIF is the kind of mom who you run into on the street coming from a Pirates game looking like a supermodel, and yet you like her anyway. She is married to her husband, Mark whom she met through two incredible friends in Wilmington, Delaware. She is the mom of three, but only had two pregnancies. That's right, she's got twins!

Newlin is the managing partner of 4 Rivers Wealth Management. Her focus is working in wealth management to help families across the country and abroad discover how to become the best financial versions of themselves. However, this is her second career. Her first career was in television journalism. She was kick ass at that too. She nominated for an Emmy and even offered a job at MSNBC. And when she was presented with an opportunity to reinvent herself, she did. Reinventing oneself is tough, doing so successfully is even tougher. However, Newlin has made it look easy and is now at the top of her game in financial services. 

And in this age of billion dollar Mega Million prizes, Newlin insists that she would still work even if she hit the lottery. Anybody who has been able to find two careers they love is somebody who can teach us some things. 

That said, she is just like the rest of us. We had coffee the day after Easter. Like me she had forgotten that school was cancelled that day and had to find care for her kids. At that moment, I knew that we would be friends! My belief in our connection was reinforced as I started to know her better. And like Newlin, the Sheryl Sandberg quote above has changed my life. To learn more about the fabulous Newlin Archinal read below.

 Newlin Archinal is a just like us!

Newlin Archinal and other working moms
So, it turns out, Newlin is a die-hard chocolate fan. So much so that she keeps dark chocolate hidden in her desk drawer at work. I’ll have to make a note of this in case I have a need to bribe her for something…

Even though she grew up in Philly, Newlin’s DNA is deeply embedded into the fabric of Pittsburgh. Her architect father helped to design what is now the Highmark Building in the golden triangle. Back when he was working on it, he would tell her and her family how much he loved Pittsburgh. Now, she is a resident, raising her children here, and gets to see that building every day. Talk about daily inspiration!

I knew that Newlin was my kind of girl when I met her, but when I interviewed her, I became even more impressed.  First, she met her husband at a bar. It takes a lot to stand out in a bar! Second, like me, she worked the day before she had her babies. Both of us wanted to preserve all of the precious leave time that we could so that we could use it bonding with our babies. 

We can have a discussion another time about whether it is appropriate that women have to do that... In the meantime, let's just acknowledge Newlin for the rock star that she is! Newlin is a financial planner who also finds time to be a good friend. I actually think that Newlin's sincere interest in people, which is bestowed on her friends, benefits her clients because she sincerely wants everyone to become the best versions of themselves and to live their very best lives.

She's also a lot of fun! She plays pickle ball, loves fashion, and is funny! She is one of the warmest and most sincere people you could ever meet. I count befriending Newlin as a blessing. And, I am honored to introduce all of you to her through this post!
