Celebrating Women's History Month |
"There is a special place in heaven for women who support other women."
Better late than never! I would like to recognize a few of amazing women who have inspired me, supported me, and one who birthed me! I missed posting this on the last day of #womenshistorymonth because I was traveling. So, in the interest of completion, here you go!
Five Inspiring Women Who Are Making a Difference
Cecilia Griffin Golden, PhD: Dr. Golden, my mom, is an accomplished educator, executive, and mentor. She has influenced the world by focusing on helping those in the communities where she has lived. And, along the way, has inspired many, including me. To learn more about her, click here: My Mom, An Inspiring Working Mom
Jeryn Alise Turner, MBA: Jeryn, my sister, is an author, executive and an amazing aunt! She has written three books, two are children's books reflective of her love of children. To learn more about her, click here: Chameleon Consciousness. To purchase her latest book, click here.
Newlin Archinal, CFP®, CRPC®, AIF®: Newlin is a financial planner with an emphasis on improving the lives of families and helping them achieve their goals. She is also a great mom and friend with an interesting personal story. To learn more about her click here: Newlin Archinal, a working mom who believes in having it all.
Leslie Bonci, MPH, RD, CSSD, LD: Leslie is a nutrition consultant with an emphasis on sports. She has collaborated with numerous NFL teams including the Pittsburgh Steelers and the world champion Minnesota Chiefs! To learn more about Leslie, click here: How Leslie Bonci Balances Work and Family
Dana Hanna: Dana is a salesperson, philanthropist, and entrepreneur. She's from New Jersey and has that East Coast hustle that has made her successful. To learn more about her click here: How Dana Hanna Built the Life She Wanted to Live.