One Secret to Success as a Working Mom, Pursue Happiness

Greetings from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! Things have been busy. I am still a working mom of three, working full time who is trying to make a difference. I do a lot of things and try to be present so that I can learn from them. I share them on this blog so that we can learn together. Below are some thoughts, hacks, and/or lessons that I have learned from navigating my world. Pursue Happiness

The 2024 presidential election motivated me to have a birthday do-over

At the Pittsburgh Ballet Theater Pointe in Time Emerald Gala

Today marks a week since my birthday.  Its occurrence is a tremendous blessing. Because all around us are reminders about the fragility of life. To that end, my brother, who always makes a point to celebrate me, took me to the Pittsburgh Ballet Theater's Pointe in Time Emerald Gala on November 2d. That was the beginning of my birthday celebrations. And then, on my birthday itself, I got a bit of a surprise...

My actual birthday was tough. It was Election Day. And, I spent the day working polls as a part of an election protection effort. My efforts were designed to protect all voters. However, deep in my heart I love my AKA sister, Kamala Harris and I hoped for her historic victory. Then, much to my chagrin and despite my efforts—and those of thousands more—she lost. In my estimation, that loss was one of the greatest setbacks in human dignity in my lifetime.  The country elected a felon and self-proclaimed, racist, ableist, and misogynist as president. This person has also been proven to have engaged in treasonous behavior. The fact that that person beat an accomplished attorney, former senator, current vice president and law-abiding season was shocking. I thought he would have lost to a pumpkin.

Even though I was beyond grateful to be alive on November 5th, my mood was somber. So, on Friday, I decided to do a birthday do-over.    

When your candidate loses and your birthday is on election day, you get a do-over!

Unlike my sister who lives for birthdays, I have been more mellow about them. I am the one who plans parties for others, works on the themes, and makes birthday dreams come true. I usually don’t go all out for my own birthday though. However, this year, my candidate lost and a dear friend died on my birthday. So, I felt differently about it. This year, I wanted to celebrate with friends and reset the negative energy following me like Pig Pen’s dark cloud. This year, I wanted to party!  

So, on Friday night, together with a few friends, I celebrated the gift that is me.  My friends reminded me that I am worthy and worth celebrating. We reflected on our shared memories, ate tasty food, and consumed tasty cocktails.  We listened to great music and enjoyed some frivolity. We. Had. Fun. 

The future keeps unfolding and nobody knows what will happen. That said, I know this. Life in all of its splendor remains the gift that we get with living. When I talked with my aunt about the election. She said something like, “I’m disappointed. But I still have farming to do.” Another friend said, he’s “dust[ing] off and focus[ing] on business.” And I am reminding myself that we may have lost but the secret to survival is remembering to breathe, love and live without fear.  

Regardless of who is in the White House, we cannot lose faith. That is the soul of democracy and the secret to thriving in this precarious world.  So, today, may we strengthen our commitment to our democracy and to one another. And also, please wish me a happy birthday! I am still taking all of the good wishes!


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