
One Secret to Success as a Working Mom: Pursue Happiness

Greetings from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania! Things have been busy. I am still a working mom of three, working full time who is trying to make a difference. I do a lot of things and try to be present so that I can learn from them. I share them on this blog so that we can learn together. Below are some thoughts, hacks, and/or lessons that I have learned from navigating my world. Pursue Happiness

Friday Tip: Blessed is better than perfect

Reading on the Run: Articles of Interest to Working Moms (Egg Freezing Benefit Packages Part II)

Reading on the Run: Articles of Interest to Working Moms (Egg Freezing Benefit Packages, Part I)

A Peek Into the Life of a Working Mom: Taking a Doll to Work

Working Mom Fun Tip: Taking Selfies Like Kim Kardashian (#LoveYourSelfie)

A Peek Into the Life of a Working Mom: The Children's Museum (Almost Wordless Wednesday) #PghKids

A Peek Into the Life of a Working Mom: Happy Father's Day

A Peek Into The Life of a Working Mom: One way to Enjoy Life With the Newborn (Bath time)

Wordless Wednesday-Fooling Around!

Wordless Wednesday: Photographs taken by a toddler

A Peek Into the Life of a Working Mom: Moving While Pregnant is Stressful (#Stress)

Christmas Gift for My Blog Readers (#Giveaway)

Tales of a Working Mom: Social Skills Learned from a Toddler

A Peek into the Life of a Mommy Blogger: Internet Jokes (Chaton Turner sent you a Twitter Invitation)

Working Moms, Overwhelmed and Dreaming of Hitting the Lottery (#WorkingMom)

Fundraising Opportunity: Causes4Kids (A Guest Post)

Getting to 50/50: How Working Parents Can Have It All (Book Tour)

Working Mom Tip: Smart Phone Management

Enjoy a Night Out: Win Free Tickets to a Show (Spank! The Fifty Shades Parody)

Social Media, An Alternative To Opting Out Of the Workforce (#NicheParent13)